All classes have to be booked in advance to avoid disappointment.
Monday & Sunday: 9.00am – 7.00pm
For further information or to speak with one of our team, please call
0208 614 6411
Our Lounge Restaurant and Terrace are open for bookings every day.
For further information, please call a member of our team on
020 8614 6400
Learn about all the benefits of membership at The Lensbury Club and book your tour to visit.
View BenefitsWe have outlined the main themes of comments and feedback from our Members' Survey below are pleased to have made updates and changes to your experience in response Simply click on a question or comment to see how we'll be responding.
To view the in-depth numbers and results from this year’s Members Survey, please click here.
We will be carrying out a full review of this service to Members and will be re-launching this early in 2024. We will be improving the MyWellness app to offer a more engaging, comprehensive fitness offering to ensure everyone has the best support in reaching their fitness goals.
We will review our team training, to ensure they fully understand how to support and guide our Members in their fitness journey.
All gym equipment will be reviewed, as we are reaching the end of our agreement with Technogym. This will include a review of other suppliers so that we are confident we have the best equipment available for our Members.
As part of the above review we will also look into how we can maximise the gym floor space better to help create a better gym floor experience during peak times.
Different training styles require rest times that can either be short or a few minutes in length. That said, the fitness team will be more proactive in engaging with junior members so that they understand that other members can utilize equipment during their rest periods from training. We will also add signage for ‘Etiquette on the Gym Floor’ so we can highlight key requirements and expectations of all users whilst in the gym. This will be reinforced during inductions too.
We will review the cleaning schedules and ensure these are increased to make sure standards remain high.
Our food & beverage team are working on this; these will be a key feature as part of the deli offering in the new Members’ Lounge.
We are working on an alternative offering which will be communicated in early January.
We are reviewing the Aqua offering carefully to consider all pool users and the programme. Following a recent meeting with some of the Aqua regulars it was agreed a potential solution would be to introduce an additional 6 spaces to each current class specifically for deep water participants – this would mean Members could choose this space if they are comfortable taking part in the class in deep water, this was felt could resolve a lot of the concerns. We will continue to meet regularly with Aqua participants to discuss the class.
We understand there is an ongoing issue when the weather drops below freezing. We have a plan in place to maintain the temperature in this studio, and are working on a longer-term solution with specialist contractors.
We are limited with the configuration of our current booking system and are currently looking at a brand new leisure management system to improve member experience in all areas, Club bookings in particular. We hope to have more news on this exciting change in 2024.
We understand that booking at 8am each day up to 9 days in advance continues to create a negative experience for many members. We are reviewing this with a view to reducing the number of days members can book in advance. This will improve the no show ratio and reduce the volume of class cancellations. We are also considering a different strike system for those members who simply ‘no show’ and do not cancel their place. We will discuss this further with the Fitness Class Focus group.
Pool, Thermal Suite and Changing Rooms
We are consulting with several contractors to propose a new look and feel for the swimming pool area.
We will share all member feedback with Swim Nature and work with them to improve the experience members receive.
We will review these lockers and get them fixed. We will also introduce a weekly locker audit so that we can identify issues and repair them quicker.
We will review all training with Lifeguards to ensure they enforce the rules as and where necessary.
We will review our current schedule to see where improvements can be made for all pool users. It is a challenge trying to meet all pool users demands and timings; we welcome further constructive feedback from Members on our Pool Focus Group on how we could achieve this.
We will review all our cleaning procedures to improve cleanliness standards in and around the pool.
We are working with contractors to review and redesign all these areas so that we can have a new upgraded facility for members. We are looking to introduce a hot and cold therapy experience in the health suite area.
We are working with our facilities team to carry out regular preventative maintenance to reduce down time with this facility.
We are working on the redesign and will look to incorporate these frequently requested facilities as part of the development.
We will review the cleaning schedules and standards of this area throughout the day to raise the standards in this area.
We will work with facilities to reduce the noise in this area.
We will work with our housekeeping and lifeguard teams to ensure there is continuous monitoring of these areas and standards are inspected by Lockside Management.
We will be conducting a full review of consumables across the Lensbury with our suppliers to see where improvements can be made in this offering.
We are working with contractors to provide a redesign and upgrade of these high traffic areas and will communicate further on the progress of this in 2024. In the meantime our facilities team will be conducting regular planned preventative maintenance to improve these areas.
A tennis court conditions report was completed on Tuesday 5th December, once we receive and review their findings, we will communicate our plan to resolve this issue.
We are continuing to work with Richmond council on their technical requirements ahead of submitting for planning permission. We will update members on the progress of this as soon as we have more news.
We are reviewing whether we are able to align court booking times to maximise court availability for members.
We are currently testing the system to implement court booking rules similar to fitness classes. We will discuss any proposed policy with the Tennis Focus Group in January, with a view to implementation shortly thereafter.
We have increased the spares in circulation to maintain standards. We will also be fixing the perimeter fencing of the tennis courts to help prevent foxes gaining access to the courts. To help us manage this please can we remind all tennis players to close the tennis gates when leaving the courts.
All floodlights have been repaired.
We are in the process of obtaining condition reports and quotes for these works, with a view to work starting January 2024.
We will develop this offering in Q1 of 2024 and will have an update in February for when this will start.
Matt will be making time each week to be out in the tennis community.
More racquets events have been planned throughout 2024. These dates will be published before end January 2024. Please refer to our ‘Whats On (insert link)’ for the latest information on this.
We will pull together all racquets information so that this can be easily found and displayed on designated Club Boards for members to maximise their tennis, squash and pickleball experience. We are also planning to change the current Club Management System later in the year, which will enable us to send dedicated emails centrally to those who wish to receive information about racquet sports.
We are purchasing more SUP boards for the 2024 season, this will require members to complete a stand-up paddle board safer course before being able to hire a SUP. Once we have completed this review, we will communicate ahead of the season to update members.
In 2024 we will split the SUP sessions by ability level offering beginner & experienced classes, this will ensure we can cater for all member levels. We will also be purchasing more SUP boards allowing us to expand class sizes.
Work has already begun on a 2024 watersports information brochure containing all of the necessary information for members. This will be ready before the start of the season.
In 2023 we trialed later booking slots on Thursdays and Saturdays from 8th June to 16th September. Unfortunately, these bookings had a very low uptake (61 members for the whole period) and as a result we will not be running this in 2024.
We have reviewed all boats and have a regular maintenance programme to introduce in 2024 season. We are buying new double kayaks, to replace those that are beyond repair.
We have benchmarked our offering, and our motorboat prices are still well below the market rate. Go Boats, for example, charge £95 for one hour. We will continue to ensure we are competitive.
As watersports is a seasonal offering some staff do not return and move on; most of the team were new hires this season who developed throughout the season. We have many of this season’s team returning next year, and have already reviewed our re-induction. We have also created a comprehensive pocketbook with all the quick information staff need to know.
We will review our booking system to ensure it is smooth process to book treatments. We will also review our spa reception rotas and staffing to provide an improved booking experience.
We will review each area of the spa to see where improvements can be made to enhance and uplift the spa experience. We will provide an update on this by the end of January.
Our Spa Manager will carry out a review of our pricing along with benchmarking in the local area with similar spa offering to ensure we remain competitive.
We will review our treatment offering to introduce new and exciting treatments in 2024.
2024 will bring more spa events, evenings and promotions for Members, Please refer to our ‘What’s On’ page (include link) for all information.
Food and Drink
We have introduced the new All Day Dining Menu, and a Chef’s special to offer daily variety. We have also improved the offering in the deli, to ensure we have a variety of different healthy options available. The new deli in the Members’ Lounge will be enhanced, to add an even wider offering and we will work with the Members’ F&B Focus Group to ensure their satisfaction, ahead of implementation.
The arrival of an F&B Director, and new Restaurant Manager to the team has resulted in a robust training programme for the Front of House staff, with daily pre and post service briefings, and familiarisation with the menus. They will continue to work with the team to ensure all team members are captured, and our service is consistent throughout. They will also be more visible during peak times. We would like value for money.
The members’ discount has been applied to the new All Day and dessert menu and this will be rolled out in the new members’ lounge too. We continue to review our competition to ensure we are competitively priced, whist ensuring excellent quality ingredients.
We are working with marketing to have a clearer strategy of communication across all of our different segments and activities. The introduction of a new membership system, will enable us to segment our membership and send targeted specific communications to those that have requested it. This is not currently possible with our existing system.
We have introduced the weekly email, bi-annual Tidal Magazine, and the App notifications to assist with our communication, as well as social media updates. We will review these, to see what further communication we can provide, which is of interest to all members.
We will continue to work on the information and layout of the current app to make it more member friendly and easier to use. There are limitations with the existing system.
We are looking to move to a new membership system, which may well include a more comprehensive App, and will update the membership as we know more.
We are working with marketing to ensure they have all event details as soon as events are communicated to members, ahead of time. We will also introduce a dedicated events promotion noticeboard, to display upcoming activities.
We are busy working on the 2024 events calendar to incorporate more member events as requested in the survey. Please refer to our ‘What’s On’ page (include link) for all information.
We will trial this in the new year. For this to be successful, there must be uptake from parents.
We will review our inspection schedules to ensure staff visit on a regular basis and address unsupervised children in this area.
We are restricted to the size of the Rock Hall Room, but will look to refresh this space, and update the games corner in 2024 along with a game offering that can be signed out for use by Members
We will review and increase the frequency of staff attending this area to ensure tables are cleared.
Members' Reception
The reception area will be refreshed as part of the renovation of the new members’ lounge project starting in the new year.
We have recently upgraded the telephone system; we will review the training of the team to ensure all calls are answered and managed to the correct standard.
We will share this feedback with the team so that they understand the importance of meeting and greeting members and the impact it has on creating the right experience.
Co-working space
We are working on the implementation of a new, dedicated co-working space, which we intend to deliver in Q2. We will share the details of the renovation once further details are known.